

Maerz Ofenbau AG

Maerz Ofenbau AG was founded in 1950 in Zurich, Switzerland, by Austrian magnesite producers to design and sell open hearth furnace technology to the world-wide steel industry. In 1965 Maerz began the design and construction of a patented "MAERZ® Parallel Flow Regenerative (PFR) Lime Kiln” with high thermal efficiency and superior lime quality. It finally became the generally known "MAERZ® Kiln”, continuously improved with - again patented - features. The initial design was an oil fired lime kiln of 100 tpd capacity. Soon larger units and gas firing technology were added to oil firing. In the late seventies a patented system to apply pulverised solid fuels was introduced. As a further milestone, in the late eighties, Maerz introduced the "MAERZ® Finelime Kiln”…

Maerz Ofenbau AG

Country: Swaziland
Address: Richard Wagner-Strasse 28 CH-8027 Zurich
Postal Code: CH-8027
Website: http://www.maerz.com

Maerz Ofenbau AG

Address: Richard Wagner-Strasse 28 CH-8027 Zurich Postal Code: CH-8027 Website: http://www.maerz.com

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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